December 1, 2014

Blogpost #1…short but sweet today.  My first post on my first webpage.  Just something to get us all started.  Yesterday marked the end of yet another NaNoWriMo, and my second successful completion of same!  YAY ME!  🙂  This time around, the story will be completed, edited and published, by damn!  With my hubby as gently pushing support, both with this page and the writing, so shall it be written, so shall it be done.

I just need to get through my last 2 weeks of class this semester, then the rest of December and the first 2 weeks of January are mine to write and plan, and hopefully get a little crocheting in there too.

As a little aside, have ya’ll seen Mockingjay yet?  If not, GO!  Surely you have read the books too?  And I am a tad obsessed with Jennifer Lawrence’s singing in Mockingjay, The Hanging Tree.  Need to download that soon.

Until next time!